Saturday, July 17, 2010

Network Marketing Online Can Explode Your Downline by:James Wehner

Network marketing online is becoming more commonplace for serious home based business owners. It's been said "if you are not online you are not in business" in today's climate. Technology has evolved to make building your business on the internet a much more simplified process than of years past. Although the strategies and tactics are constantly changing, some methods will always be tried and true. Network marketing online does not have to be expensive, in fact it can actually be done for free with a little effort by you.The old-fashioned ways of building your network marketing company "belly to belly" are becoming less effective. With this in mind, this method is good to start off your business with people you have a good rapport with. Typically they are probably more prone to buy something from you because of an existing relationship than from some stranger chasing them down to pitch their business. After you run out of people that you know and have an existing relationship with is usually where people hit the brick wall. This is where learning skills that allow you to do your network marketing online can separate you from being a complete failure to being a wild success. So I encourage you to develop the skills and cut the learning curve and half I have any good mentor or team to plug into and leverage off of their experience.
There are endless amounts of books, CDs, courses, and websites dedicated to teaching you how to build your network marketing business. However, there are only a few resources that really teach you how to effectively do network marketing online. Mike Dillard, Brian Fanale, Jonathan Budd, Daegan Smith are a few of the success stories who have combined leadership with effective network marketing online. My Lead System Pro is one of the premier education and marketing systems available anywhere today. There are real people involved within My Lead System Pro who have gone from their last $200 to earning over $10,000 a month within their first year.
These success stories are becoming more and more common because the power of the Internet cannot be underestimated. It is available for anybody who has an Internet connection and an ounce of entrepreneurial spirit. Learning how to do network marketing online will help you build and sustain a long-term residual income it's done properly. There are so many strategies that you can perfect like Google pay per click advertising, article marketing, e-mail marketing, solo ad marketing, ezine marketing, and even social media like Facebook and Twitter.Network marketing online is also more convenient because you don't have to drive through traffic to get to meetings or wait outside of hotels for prospects to show up for presentations. You create an Internet marketing campaign and attract visitors to your websites. If you're a clear communicator, display good integrity, and show that you have mastered being a network marketing online leader your success is imminent. 99% of network marketers have not cracked the code of building their business effectively on the Internet yet. More often than not people are just afraid to try because they think it's too complicated. This is when teaming up with the right people or person can make a huge difference. If someone is willing to hold your hand so you avoid the typical stumbling blocks it will certainly expedite your success.If you would like to learn more about working with MLM Millionaire Mentor, and Internet Marketing Strategist, James Wehner then click on the links below....
If you enjoyed this article by MLM Mentor James Wehner please visit his personal blog at or to see his FREE secret network marketing blueprint video at

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7 Ways to Generate Multi-Level Marketing Leads on Demand by:Rae Williams

1. Facebook - You can use to create a relationship with your prospects, with groups and fan pages, this will allow them to get to know you in a better way through social media. You can also use Facebook to be an authoritative resource through valuable content. For instance, you can show your group on Facebook to show people the new skill you learned in internet marketing.
2. Banner Ads - You can place banner ads on top websites related to your niches keywords for maximum exposure. This is an overlooked strategy for many multi-level marketers, once you find a top site related to your niche you should immediately. TAKE ACTION and place your banner on the site.
3. Forum Marketing - This involves creating a signature file in the forums where your leads hang out to bring you maximum exposure and create a viral effect so whenever someone searches your name or specific topic online you will be found. If this is done right, you can build a downline lightening fast.

4. Twitter - Create Valuable Content, and show all your followers your content and let them re tweet it and follow people that will add value to you in your life and your business.

5. Classified Ads - You can place these ads in places such as Craigslist, Kiiji, and Backpages.
6. Blog - that shows who you are, this will show you on a different platform and allow people to get to know you better. People do not join your business opportunity, they join you. This allows you to brand yourself personally.
7. Magazine Ads - If you place magazine ads in magazines related to your niche, you can get an avalanche of leads easily.
Listen, I have told you how to generate leads on demand and if you want to generate leads on demand any time, any place, and take your financial future to the next level. Click Here! for your
8 day cutting edge network marketing e-course.
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What is E-Marketing and how is it better than traditional marketing?

Marketing has pretty much been around forever in one form or another. Since the day when humans first started trading whatever it was that they first traded, marketing was there. Marketing was the stories they used to convince other humans to trade. Humans have come a long way since then, (Well, we like to think we have) and marketing has too.

The methods of marketing have changed and improved, and we've become a lot more efficient at telling our stories and getting our marketing messages out there. eMarketing is the product of the meeting between modern communication technologies and the age-old marketing principles that humans have always applied.
That said, the specifics are reasonably complex and are best handled piece by piece. So we’ve decided to break it all down and tackle the parts one at a time. This week we’ll be looking at the "what" and "why" of eMarketing, outlining the benefits and pointing out how it differs from traditional marketing methods.
By the end of the series we're pretty sure you'll have everything you need to tell better marketing stories.What is eMarketing?
Very simply put, eMarketing or electronic marketing refers to the application of marketing principles and techniques via electronic media and more specifically the Internet. The terms eMarketing, Internet marketing and online marketing, are frequently interchanged, and can often be considered synonymous.
eMarketing is the process of marketing a brand using the Internet. It includes both direct response marketing and indirect marketing elements and uses a range of technologies to help connect businesses to their customers.
By such a definition, eMarketing encompasses all the activities a business conducts via the worldwide web with the aim of attracting new business, retaining current business and developing its brand identity.
Why is it important?
When implemented correctly, the return on investment (ROI) from eMarketing can far exceed that of traditional marketing strategies.
Whether you're a "bricks and mortar" business or a concern operating purely online, the Internet is a force that cannot be ignored. It can be a means to reach literally millions of people every year. It's at the forefront of a redefinition of way businesses interact with their customers.
The benefits of eMarketing over traditional marketing
The nature of the internet means businesses now have a truly global reach. While traditional media costs limit this kind of reach to huge multinationals, eMarketing opens up new avenues for smaller businesses, on a much smaller budget, to access potential consumers from all over the world.
Internet marketing allows the marketer to reach consumers in a wide range of ways and enables them to offer a wide range of products and services. eMarketing includes, among other things, information management, public relations, customer service and sales. With the range of new technologies becoming available all the time, this scope can only grow.
Whereas traditional marketing is largely about getting a brand's message out there, eMarketing facilitates conversations between companies and consumers. With a two-way communication channel, companies can feed off of the responses of their consumers, making them more dynamic and adaptive.
Internet marketing is able to, in ways never before imagined, provide an immediate impact.
Imagine you're reading your favorite magazine. You see a double-page advert for some new product or service, maybe BMW's latest luxury sedan or Apple's latest iPod offering. With this kind of traditional media, it's not that easy for you, the consumer, to take the step from hearing about a product to actual acquisition.
With e Marketing, it’s easy to make that step as simple as possible, meaning that within a few short clicks you could have booked a test drive or ordered the i Pod. And all of this can happen regardless of normal office hours. Effectively, Internet marketing makes business hours 24 hours per day, 7 days per week for every week of the year.
By closing the gap between providing information and eliciting a consumer reaction, the consumer's buying cycle is seeded up and advertising spend can go much further in creating immediate leads.Demographics and targeting
Generally speaking, the demographics of the Internet are a marketer's dream. Internet users, considered as a group, have greater buying power and could perhaps be considered as a population group skewed towards the middle-classes.
Buying power is not all though. The nature of the Internet is such that its users will tend to organise themselves into far more focussed groupings. Savvy marketers who know where to look can quite easily find access to the niche markets they wish to target. Marketing messages are most effective when they are presented directly to the audience most likely to be interested. The Internet creates the perfect environment for niche marketing to targeted groups.
Adaptivity and closed loop marketing
Closed Loop Marketing requires the constant measurement and analysis of the results of marketing initiatives. By continuously tracking the response and effectiveness of a campaign, the marketer can be far more dynamic in adapting to consumers' wants and needs.
With eMarketing, responses can be analysed in real-time and campaigns can be tweaked continuously. Combined with the immediacy of the Internet as a medium, this means that there's minimal advertising spend wasted on less than effective campaigns.
Maximum marketing efficiency from eMarketing creates new opportunities to seize strategic competitive advantages.
The combination of all these factors results in an improved ROI and ultimately, more customers, happier customers and an improved bottom line.
Next up in the eMarketing 101 series:
Having identified the "why" of eMarketing, our next article in the series will look at the "how". We’ll be glancing at some of the weaponry in the eMarketer's arsenal, and looking at how these tools should be used to target customers.
SEO, PPC, ORM, WebPR - the acronyms are never far behind. We'll take a brief look at each, defining what they are and giving some guidance in terms of which tactic to use in a given situation to ensure optimum ROI on advertising spend.
Later on, we'll examine each of these weapons more closely and see just how they are used to produce results.