Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Guide to Buying Gold – Tips on What to Check Out

Guide to Buying Gold – Tips on What to Check Out By Carolyn Anderson

People seemed to be at their unending quest for money these days - from wanting to know how to make money online to what is the best investment that you can start with. Indeed, an additional source of income or some great moneymaking opportunities can really make a difference.

If you love jewelries, you might have thought about investing on gold. Indeed buying gold can be a great financial insurance. Of course, gold is precious and with such beauty and rarity, it can be your key to making good investments. Indeed, gold is an appealing commodity - wherever you want to sell it. If you want to venture into this business of buying and selling gold, you must have a good guide to buying gold and making sure everything is safe and legitimate as well.

For some buying gold can be in the form of buying gold coins. For some, in gold bars or bullions. Indeed, having them into you possession can be a great financial insurance for you and your family. Of course, it is also something that you can pass on to generations. If you find it a bit expensive to invest on the entire gold bars, you can also invest on gold coins, which are much lighter and relatively affordable than the gold bars.

If you want to buy gold, it is important that you have to be knowledgeable on how to spot the real one. Gold is a popular commodity, and thus, a lot of people are also taking efforts to make fake ones, so make sure you always land on the real gold.

Coins or bars. Gold today can be in the form of either of the two. The coin may be more convenient to carry around and exchange than gold bars and you can also carry it around. Whatever is its form, it is important to know if you are indeed buying a genuine gold. Although the best way to tell if you are dealing with a genuine one is to test it, there are however easy signs that may give you a hint.

Color. One of the easy ways to spot a difference of a pure gold and one that is not is to check out its color. Somehow, real gold has a golden shine that is quite dull. On the other hand, gold with the reddish tint may have other elements combined like copper or silver and may not be pure gold. Color is also a good consideration to know if you are not really holding a genuine gold.

Density is another consideration. Or course, fake ones have other metals on it, thus they may differ in the density of the product. Some may be too light and some may be heavy. Tungsten for example is a popular among the fake ones. One thing you can do with density is to use a scale. Fake 'gold' coins may be lighter as other metals used in the making of the fake gold can never match the density of pure gold.

Aside from being equipped with a guide to buying gold, it is indeed important to have some equipment that allows you to identify and determine which is real and which is fake.

Carolyn Anderson is a freelance author, book reviewer and an avid reader. If you want to venture in to buying gold, check out How To Buy Gold Low. Also check out Gold Profit System, to learn about the opportunity of buying and selling gold.

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Five Things to Avoid About Investing

Five Things to Avoid About Investing By Christiano Santos

There are always many people telling you, offering advice, regarding do the following. That's important as well as necessary, obviously. Nonetheless, at times you'll want to fully understand what you should not do, what you ought to stay away from.

There is a correct way and also a wrong way to invest your money. This informative article is about the negative, problem avoiding side, mentioning 5 things you should probably avoid if your goal should be to invest to make money.

That said, here are the 5 things you should avoid:

1. Investing your money on unknown things

There are several reasons to refrain from doing this. The main one is You won't know all risks. Instead, it will really be better should you invest your money on something you know really.

2. Taking a loan to invest

This is because loans haves high interest rate and your investments can not be succeeded, so you can loose money and need pay that loan without having money. Instead, just use your own money.

3. To put all eggs in one basket

This is actually a matter of risking whole money: what will happen if that decision is wrong?. Alternatively you should aim at investing on several types of investments.

4. Not watching your investments

The reasoning this can be a bad idea is because you won't know if your decision is good or bad and you'll can realize some failure too late. Instead you really should watch all of your investments, even if you don't like them.

5. Not investing

It is sometimes hard to avert this but some people take so much time to decide if they must or not invest and, when they realize, they missed great opportunities. Instead, keep in mind that you need invest when you see a good opportunity, but you need study it and be ready

For those who carefully avoid these 5 common errors and accept the suggestions offered for alternatives instead, your odds of success as well as your rewards received are going to be far better than they otherwise would.

Uncover methods to invest and make more money by visiting this Finances and Investments or earn more about making money in Cash Money.

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How to Triple Your Money From Your Investment?

How to Triple Your Money From Your Investment? By Jim Torres

There is no question of whether you can triple your money from your investment. The only thing you need to find out is how long it takes to make it happen. To triple your money means to earn extra $2 from the $1 you have initially to make a total of $3. If your investment tools give you an annual rate of return of 11.61%, your money will become triple in 10 years' time.

Can Mutual Funds Do the Job?
If you are giving yourself 10 years or so, then the answer is a "yes". It is always possible for mutual funds to gain an extra 200% returns in the given period. What you to do is to manage your allocation more actively. For sure, you need to adjust your weightage of your portfolio more towards equity funds. It is alright to put a 20% of bond funds to protect the value of your investment should the equity funds fall.

Use the Compounding Effect
Reinvest your dividends or gains. This is very important. To triple your money in 10 years is not about getting a remarkable return in a year and depleting it in another year by taking unnecessary risks. Therefore, you need a more diversified portfolio.

What About Tripling Your Money in 15 Years?
If you have 15 years, then the chances of getting your money tripled are even higher. What you need is an annual rate of return of 7.6% from your investment vehicles and you may look for tools with steady growth. Dividend stocks are a good option. Property and land could also be good tools as these are assets that could grow over time.

A risk taker can allocate his portfolio in such a way that 60% of his investment monies to be put in emerging-markets equity funds and 40% in global market equity funds. On the other hand, a conservative investor may choose high-dividend-yielding stocks or good quality bonds which generate consistent annual returns.

To triple your money in 10 to 15 years is a realistic aim. Do not forget to review your investment portfolio from time to time, so you could always on the right track.

If you aim to triple your money in a shorter period, you need different investment strategies. Visit our Life Planning website to find out how you can triple your money in 5 years.

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What Would You Do If You Were a Millionaire?

What Would You Do If You Were a Millionaire? By Usman Mughal

I remember when I was going to school as a youngster and taking part in a class exercise that was supposed to help determine what kind of career path I was headed on. At the front of the class, the teacher wrote a question on the board that said, "What would you do if you were a millionaire?" Your answer had to be an occupation or a passion that showed what you truly wanted to do.

I was reminded of this assignment when I was reading the sports section of my newspaper the other day and came across an article about a young professional basketball player named TJ Ford. At 24 years old, Ford has already suffered two career-threatening injuries to his back and neck and has been forced to contemplate retirement to avoid further, perhaps severe, injury.

Prior to this, Ford signed himself a lucrative five-year contract with the NBA's Toronto Raptors, with $30 million in guaranteed salary. Not a bad retirement package by any means.

Knowing that he could walk away from his job and enjoy a long life of luxury, Ford decided to work as hard as he could to come back and play for his team. It wasn't the money that motivated him; it was his love of the game. He loves his job so much he would put his health at serious risk to do it. Now, after over two months of recovery, Ford is back on the court, likely doing what he would have answered in my teacher's assignment.

We can all learn a valuable lesson from Ford, and that is to do what we love. After all, what is the point of being rich if it's making you miserable in the process?

Sure, having money is nice, but it isn't what life is all about. Life is about living and doing what makes you feel good day in and day out. If you're in a job you hate, develop a plan to leave. Start saving your money so that, when the time comes, you can quit your job and start the business you've always wanted. Even if times are tough financially in the beginning, you'll hardly notice because of the happiness you derive from your new life.

As for my answer to the assignment, it was to "build places for people to live." Well, it came partly true. Although I never physically constructed homes, I developed my own publicly traded real estate company!

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An Overview of the Diamond Trading Industry

An Overview of the Diamond Trading Industry By R Govindan

Diamond is of one the rarest and hence one of the most precious gem. It has been loved and sought after everywhere around the world since the very early days. Today the diamond industry has become one of the largest and most profitable industries in the world market. Diamond trading hence has become a very profitable profession.

The diamond industry is primarily dependent upon the activities which take place in the diamond exchange market. It is undoubtedly the main reason for the distribution of diamonds.

At the top of the long chain of diamond supply is the process where the freshly mined diamonds are brought for sorting and distribution. The diamonds are graded according to various natural characteristics so that they can be sold according to their quality.

Popular world markets:

The world's most important diamond exchange is located at Tel Aviv, Israel. Other important exchanges are the New York exchange and the Antwerp exchange in Belgium.

Online markets:

The world market is again globally distributed through the various diamonds trading websites all over the net. They are equally responsible for the wholesale diamond trading.


They buy the rough sorted diamonds from the exchange in form of packets containing only a certain kind of diamonds. Then they either sell them to polishing and cutting industries or get them polished in order to sell it to other wholesale traders.

A very significant fact about diamond trading is that the polishing industry is largely located in Surat, India. Almost 92% of the world's diamonds are cut and polished there. Other important regions where the polishing of diamonds takes place are Amsterdam, Belgium and London. It is this final polishing that makes the diamond ready for retail.

The purchased wholesale diamond is then bought by the factories where they are polished to finally reach the costumer. The exchanges have great command over the sight-holders. The only people who prove to have large costumer networks are allowed to trade with the exchange.

The specialty about the diamond market is that it is largely centralized. The exchanges named above dominate most of the sight-holders and the wholesale market is dominated by a few companies like De Beers and its branches like the DTC. The fact that there is a large chain of traders between the exchange and the retailer makes the industry even more profitable.

The international borders association:

The boarders also play a very important role in the diamond industry. The international boarders association organizes the world diamond conference every year in order to monitor if the diamonds are used for funding the inhumane activities.

The international borders association is also responsible for checking the quality of diamonds which are being traded all around the world, although the price of the wholesale diamond is more or less decided by the exchanges and traders.

The diamond mines of the world are located majorly in Russia and hence it automatically becomes an important trading centre. Apart from them, there are some unauthorized mines as well, which in fact form a major part or the world diamond trade. This illegal trade has led to the decreased efficiency in the centralization of diamond trading. This trend has started since the 1990's.

Premier jewelry affiliate program uniting diamond wholesalers and retailers, providing jewelry website development and multitude of related services.

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The Australian Diamond Industry

The Australian Diamond Industry By Chelsi Woolz

The Australian diamond industry is known across the globe for the famously stunning Argyle diamonds that are produced from within the mines of the country. These Argyle diamonds are sought after by jewellers and collectors alike for the unique array of colours and stunning perfection of these stones. Mined from the mountainous Kimberly regions of north-western Australia, these all-natural stones are found in amazing colours of exotic pink, deep amber, sparkling yellow, and the classic, dazzling white. These Argyle diamonds are sought after across the globe, and they are the reason the Australian diamond industry has become so successful over the past century. It is estimated that Australia produces more than one-third of the world's total supply of diamonds every year! Annually, Australia's production now totals over 35 million carats.

Diamond finds have been occurring in Australia since the 1890s. Although Argyle diamonds did not become widely available until the 1970s, Australia's rich heritage of diamond production is a main reason for the priceless discovery of the Argyle mines. For many years, geologists searched and studied the terrain for the areas with the most promise of abundant diamond supplies. Throughout the 1970s, the geologists' search seemed fruitless, until October 2, 1979 when the geologists found one of the largest, richest diamond deposits around the world. While working in a creek near the great Lake Argyle, the geologists came across a few stones in creek. The geologists continued to back-track up the creek, finding many more diamonds. They had found one of the richest diamond deposits in the world. They named their discovery after Lake Argyle, calling the find the Argyle Mine.

Construction of the mine began in 1983 when the Argyle Diamond Mines Joint Venture was created to finance, own, and operate the mine. The agreement was in full cooperation with the Australian government, and the development of the processing plant and open-cut mine was governed by a State Agreement.

Since its development, the Argyle diamond mine generates enough diamonds to boost Australia into becoming one of the world's largest producers of natural diamonds. By sheer volume, the mine has been able to produce over 35 million carats annually since 1993, and before that, the mine produced upwards of 40 million carats annually. The Argyle Mine has truly placed Australia on the main stage of the diamond industry. The Argyle Mine is also the world's only reliable supplier of the ultra-rare pink diamonds. One main reason that the mine is so successful is because it uses cutting-edge technology to mine the diamonds, making the mining processes economical and efficient.

Argyle diamonds are classified into three main categories. The diamonds are labelled by colour. Each diamond is identified as pink, champagne, or white. Pink and champagne are graded by intensity of colour, while white diamonds are graded for their lack of colour. Diamonds from the Argyle Mine have two unique features that distinguish them from other diamonds. For one, these stones are much harder than diamonds from other parts of the world. Also, the Argyle stones will fluoresce blue when placed under ultra-violet light.

The headquarters of Argyle diamonds is located in the Western Australian capital of Perth. The large shipments of diamonds are sent here to the modern cutting and polishing factory. Argyle picks only the top quality stones to be polished at this facility. The process of sorting has been simplified over the years through technological advances in machines that sort the diamonds by size. Then, sophisticated equipment separates the diamonds according to colour and shape. Finally, the valuation of each stone still must be made by a human eye. Argyle employs many professional diamond sorters to individually examine each stone and make decisions based on size, shape, clarity, and colour.

Pink argyle diamonds are amongst the most rare gems in the world, so be the proud owner of one and dazzle your friends.

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Ladies Waltham Pocket Watch – A Unique Gift Idea

Ladies Waltham Pocket Watch – A Unique Gift Idea By Peter F. Scott

There are many styles of ladies Waltham pocket watches to choose from. The most popular of which all feature 14K gold and the precision movement you have come to expect from a Waltham watch. Nevertheless, before buying one (especially online) there are a few important considerations.

In the 19th century, ladies used pocket watch instead of wrist watches. They usually put their watch in their bag made of cloth since that's the styles for the ladies use to bring before. For them watches were very important since they are particular with time especially when going to work.

There are many kinds of ladies watches Waltham built with great designs and elegant to look at. Here are the names of the ladies watches Waltham produced:

  • 14 K Gold Vintage Waltham Ladies
  • Vintage Ladies Waltham 14 K Gold HC Pretty
  • Vintage Waltham Solid 14 K Gold Box Case
  • C. 1894 14 K Gold American Waltham Ladies
  • Antique Ladies Waltham Gold Hunting Case
  • Quality Heavy Weight Waltham 14 K Gold
  • Mint Carved 14K Gold Waltham Ruby Ladies
  • 14 K Gold Ladies Waltham Open Face Running
  • Ladies Antique Waltham 14 K Gold Diamond

There are many beautiful Waltham ladies pocket watches and some of it is antiques already such as 1907 ladies Waltham 15 jewels 25 year gold filled pocket watch.

For sure there are still many an antique Waltham ladies pocket watch that is left from their great grandmother. This type of watch is a great treasure and the price is also unbelievable since it is expensive. The quality of the material used is durable and it also has an elegant styles and designs.Most of them are made of 14 k Gold. Some even has a diamond inside the watch. The watchmaker made these Waltham pocket watch with good craftsmanship.

Some Waltham ladies watches have 2 plates of gold sandwiched around with sheet of brass. All Waltham watches might be a ladies and for men have their own serial number and with embossed logo or engraved on it. To know that it's an original Waltham.

Ladies now a day don't use pocket watches but wristwatch and most don't look for branded but for fancy looking styles with great designs and styles. But don't the ladies know how valuable Waltham watches were before and also today's especially too matured or to aged person.

There are some establishment want to buy Waltham ladies pocket watches and so other people like the collectors. Antiques are very valuable things to collectors. People know that most antiques has a great price to deal with and Waltham watches is one of the many known brand that are known worldwide for pocket watches.

There are also some establishment who repair them to make it run and to condition the Waltham pocket watches.

To know people who repair Waltham pocket watches, you go online through the internet. There are websites of some establishment who repairs different antiques watches like Waltham.

It is easy to access and convenient in time. You can also explore the different pocket watches of your choice through the net. Buyers for Waltham pocket watches are also available in the internet. There are establishment or people selling Waltham pocket watches on the net.

The best place to start for more information about the ladies Waltham pocket watch is on a site dedicated to the Waltham pocket watch. Many exist so there is lots of information out there.

For more on this topic see Peter Scott's website or click on the links above.

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Welsh Gold Jewellery Gifts For Little Girls

Welsh Gold Jewellery Gifts For Little Girls By Louis A Jones

In regards to finding a perfect gift for a young boy, many people take on the idea of gifting them toy cars, video games, board games and more. All of these gifts become very typical and they end up getting many of the same gifts over and over again. Very few consider gifting them something with meaning and with something they can always treasure. You may be wondering what type of jewellery a young boy can appreciate. There are a lot of choices you can select from that are made out of Welsh gold. Welsh gold is a rare and precious metal and represents the heritage of Wales. Below are some ideal kids jewellery gifts for boys and younger men. These gifts are made out of Welsh gold and are perfect for giving on birthdays, christenings, first communions, graduation and more.

Cufflinks are the best kind of Jewellery to give a young boy. He could be your nephew, son, grandson, cousin, or just someone you're fond of. Cufflinks can be worn to church or for any other formal occasion. There are lots of opportunities to get dressed up around the holidays. For a young boy dressing up can be special if he has a set of cufflinks to wear. There are popular designs symbolizing the Welsh heritage such as the dragon, cariad and tree of life. Wearing jewellery such as cufflinks causes little boys to feel grown up and proud. Many young boys like to copy their father's dress sense. Owning a set of cuff links will make them feel closer to the father figures in their life.

Watches are also wonderful jewellery gifts to give boys. They can wear them all through their youth and into their young adult life. For the watch face you can choose from yellow and rose gold or silver and rose gold. These watches are made out of Welsh gold mined from the Snowdonia Mountains of Wales. As boys grow older they will understand the significance of owning a piece of their Welsh heritage. Watches are useful Kids jewellery gifts to give little boys to commemorate the important milestones of their life. This kind of kids jewellery can become a family heirloom. Most of the watches made out of Welsh gold have 9 ct yellow and rose gold.

A pendant of a Welsh dragon looks attractive on boys and young men. They will take pride in wearing kids Jewellery that shows off their Welsh heritage. When gifting it to them you can tell them of the kings who used to go bravely into battle carrying this symbol on their flags and armour. This will remind them that courage and bravery is in their Welsh blood. The Welsh dragon pendant is also available in combinations of yellow and rose gold or silver and rose gold. You can also choose other pendants such a cross or a pendant that is a slab made out of slate from the Snowdonia mountains with an attractive vein of rose gold going through it. By gifting Welsh gold kids jewellery it reflects that you put a lot of thought into your gift. Many of these kids jewellery gifts will last them their whole life and can be passed down to the next generation. In a couple more years the Welsh gold supply will be finished so it is imperative that you buy Welsh gold kids jewellery for the younger generations to pass down. Next time you go to a birthday, a christening or a graduation of a young boy ask yourself what this person means to you. Show them how much they mean to you and how proud you are of their accomplishments by gifting them a piece of Welsh gold Kids jewellery.

Clogau Gold is a highly regarded Jewellery company based in the UK. Clogau Gold jewellery is expertly handcrafted with a touch of rare Welsh gold in every piece. They have a range of affordable jewellery including engagement rings, earrings, pendants, chains and charm bracelets which make ideal gifts. Please visit for more information and details.

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The Diamond District – A Girl’s Best Friend!

The Diamond District – A Girl’s Best Friend! By James V Cook

As one of the cities that never sleep, New York offers an inexhaustible list of things to do while on holiday. Experience the culture, history, glamour and diverse personalities that occupies this land mass, and know that you will walk away with more than you expected.

There are several tour operators who will take you through interesting aspects of the city. Such notable operators include; Real New York Tours, Food On Foot Tours, Scott's Pizza Tours, Gotham Walking Tours of New York City, Bike the Big Apple and Ahoy New York Tours & Tasting.

Along 47th Street of New York City is the famous Diamond District. Known as having the world's largest collection of diamonds and fine jewellery, United States is known to be the largest consumer of Diamonds. Over 90 percent of Diamonds that enter the country are said to be sold through New York City, and Diamond District remains one of the foremost establishments that sell and supply this treasured gem.

Over 2,600 retailers can be found in this area, selling specialised, ready to wear and custom made jewellery. To mention a few of stores that can be found in this area; Firenze Jewels Inc, Salvatore, Timeless Diamonds, Manhattan Gold & Silver, Solitaire Creations, World of Watches NYC, Kent Jewelry, Nagin Jewelry, Leo Ingwer, Forever Diamonds NYC, Ross Metals, and Sabo Jewelry.

Visitors to this area will find diamonds that are virtually every shape and colour. In addition to this precious stone, pearls, watches, platinum jewellery, gold jewellery, antique jewellery, estate jewellery can be found. Repairing of watches, re-stringing of pearls, jewellery repaid and engravings are also undertaken in this district.

Looking for New York hotels near the Diamond District? provides numerous options for the visitor to choose from. Find an array of hotels in New York that cater to the needs of the global traveller when you visit this wonderful city. James Cook is an executive working for Hotelseye, which is a popular online reservation portal with a wide collection of New York hotels and also this portal also it provides services links to New York travel such as car rentals and flight reservations. For more info please visit

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