Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Australian Diamond Industry

The Australian Diamond Industry By Chelsi Woolz

The Australian diamond industry is known across the globe for the famously stunning Argyle diamonds that are produced from within the mines of the country. These Argyle diamonds are sought after by jewellers and collectors alike for the unique array of colours and stunning perfection of these stones. Mined from the mountainous Kimberly regions of north-western Australia, these all-natural stones are found in amazing colours of exotic pink, deep amber, sparkling yellow, and the classic, dazzling white. These Argyle diamonds are sought after across the globe, and they are the reason the Australian diamond industry has become so successful over the past century. It is estimated that Australia produces more than one-third of the world's total supply of diamonds every year! Annually, Australia's production now totals over 35 million carats.

Diamond finds have been occurring in Australia since the 1890s. Although Argyle diamonds did not become widely available until the 1970s, Australia's rich heritage of diamond production is a main reason for the priceless discovery of the Argyle mines. For many years, geologists searched and studied the terrain for the areas with the most promise of abundant diamond supplies. Throughout the 1970s, the geologists' search seemed fruitless, until October 2, 1979 when the geologists found one of the largest, richest diamond deposits around the world. While working in a creek near the great Lake Argyle, the geologists came across a few stones in creek. The geologists continued to back-track up the creek, finding many more diamonds. They had found one of the richest diamond deposits in the world. They named their discovery after Lake Argyle, calling the find the Argyle Mine.

Construction of the mine began in 1983 when the Argyle Diamond Mines Joint Venture was created to finance, own, and operate the mine. The agreement was in full cooperation with the Australian government, and the development of the processing plant and open-cut mine was governed by a State Agreement.

Since its development, the Argyle diamond mine generates enough diamonds to boost Australia into becoming one of the world's largest producers of natural diamonds. By sheer volume, the mine has been able to produce over 35 million carats annually since 1993, and before that, the mine produced upwards of 40 million carats annually. The Argyle Mine has truly placed Australia on the main stage of the diamond industry. The Argyle Mine is also the world's only reliable supplier of the ultra-rare pink diamonds. One main reason that the mine is so successful is because it uses cutting-edge technology to mine the diamonds, making the mining processes economical and efficient.

Argyle diamonds are classified into three main categories. The diamonds are labelled by colour. Each diamond is identified as pink, champagne, or white. Pink and champagne are graded by intensity of colour, while white diamonds are graded for their lack of colour. Diamonds from the Argyle Mine have two unique features that distinguish them from other diamonds. For one, these stones are much harder than diamonds from other parts of the world. Also, the Argyle stones will fluoresce blue when placed under ultra-violet light.

The headquarters of Argyle diamonds is located in the Western Australian capital of Perth. The large shipments of diamonds are sent here to the modern cutting and polishing factory. Argyle picks only the top quality stones to be polished at this facility. The process of sorting has been simplified over the years through technological advances in machines that sort the diamonds by size. Then, sophisticated equipment separates the diamonds according to colour and shape. Finally, the valuation of each stone still must be made by a human eye. Argyle employs many professional diamond sorters to individually examine each stone and make decisions based on size, shape, clarity, and colour.

Pink argyle diamonds are amongst the most rare gems in the world, so be the proud owner of one and dazzle your friends.

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